Fat Cutter



 Whey Protein 

     Whey protein is one of two protein types found in milk, the other is casein These two dairy protes separated from each other in the standard cheese-making process. Whey used to be considered a useles byproduct of this process and was therefore discarded. However, when it was discovered that whey is actually a very high-quality protein, methods of distilling it into a powder containing little or no fat and lactose (milk sugar) were developed, and whey powder has since been used in a wide variety of protein supplements.

 Whey protein is a complete protein that contains all nune essential amino acids. Whey protein compares favorably to other proteitis by the four common measures of protein quality.

The concentration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) is higher in whey protein (about 25 percent) than in any other protein source. The three BCAAs leucine, soleucme, and valine are unique in that they can be taken up directly by skeletal muscle instead of having to be metabolized first by the liver. Became BCAAs are faster acting than other amino acids, they are able to serve as a fairly efficient muscle, energy source during exercise and as a ready source of raw materials for muscle protein syntheus after exercise Whey protein is also considered a fast-acting protein because it empties from the stomach and is absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestine faster than other proteins. Whey protein is particularly suited for use during the Energy and Anabolic Phases of NTS.

 Whey protein is also rich in the precursors for ghatathione. Glutathione is a peptide consisting of three amino acids: gamma-glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine Glutathione plays an important role in neutralizing free radicals and also serves as a potent detoxifier in the body. Whey protein has been shown to sucrease glutathione production.

  Whey protein cotmes in a number of forma, including: 

 Whey protein hydrolysate. A hydrolysate is a protein that has been brokendown into its constituent amino acids. Hydrolysates are expensive and have a bitter taste.

  Whey protein isolate. A pure form of whey protein thar has had almost all itslactose removed This product may be useful for individuals who are lactose intolerant.

  Whey protein concentrate. The most common form of whey protein. It isinexpensive and can be incorporated into many types of products. In the past one of the drawbacks of whey protein concentrate was that it contained a high level of lactose. However, there are now commercially available formulas that are almost lactose free (less than I percent). 


Casein is the other protein distilled through cheese production. It is significantly different from whey protein Although casein does not score as well as whey protein on some of the important indices, it is still an excelle source of glutamine a crucial amino acid for strength athletes

 Two disadvantages of casein are that it has lower concentrations of BCAAs than whey and is more likely cause gastrointestinal problems in those who are lactose sensitive or lactose intolerant

Casein digesta umre slowly than whey. Aldag! this is a diandsmage in both the Energy Arub
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lone during the long night fast


Soy protein  was the first powdered prosain supplemesu so hit the market. In fact, it was originally divend Back in 1904 by George Washington Carven Soy protein a rich in BCAAs but conasins only a small amount of the evential amino acut methionine Most foems of soy protein an highly dignable and therefors fast ating buat soy protein in generally considered a stighly lower-quality protein than whey vir casem

However, soy protein isolates fortified with onedionincane mine are now available and are c whey and cuscin. And one advantage ut a sey protein notate over whry and cusein in that it contains to lactame dairy-based products can use t so those who of comparable quality connait.or not consume

Many wrength athletes avoid soy protein because it comains isoflavones (plant hormones), which have been shown to have an estrogenic effact in the body. In other words, they mimic the actions of the termale sex Dormone estrogen in certam tisanes of the body. But this does not automatically mean that isoflavonex reduce testosterone levels and inhibit muscle hypertrophy, us nuany have assumed in fact, there is no evidence whatsoever that this is the case


Male-2.2gm of per kg of body weight Women-1.1gm of per kg of body weight

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