Fat Cutter




Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid but is often referred to as an amino acid (C,H.NO SI Taurine is found in the brain, spinal cord, heart and muscle cells, skeletal muscle tissue, and retinas. Taurine is also present in leukocytes or white blood cells of the body. Taurine is also known to actas a neurotransmitter.

The main sources of taurine are animal foods, such as meat, fish and dairy, 600-1,000 mg of Taurine is al often added to soda and energy drinks

Functions of Taurine

Taurine, found in several organs, has widespread benefits

  • Taarine helps to maintain proper hydration and electrolyte balance in your cells.
  • It is a biosynthetic precursor to the bile salti sodium taurochenodeoxycholate and sodiun tautocholate
  • Regulating minerals such as calcium within your cells
  • Taurine is peusent in your eyes in large quantities. It supports the general functions of your eyes
  • Taurine is considered beneficial for your Central Nervous System as binds to your beam's GABA receptors, which play a key role in controlling and calming your central nervous system.
  •  Acts as an antosidan function by suppressing the toxicity of hypochlorite and hypobromide produced physiologically 
  • Taurinc has been shown to reduce the secretion of apolipoproteing 8100 and lipids in HepG2 cells
  • which may lead to prevention of coronary heart diseases
  • Helps to unprove athletic performance by removing wasten that lead to fatigue and muscle burns.
  • Taursune can also protect liver cells from damage due to free radicals and decreases oxidative stress

Side Effects

Taurine is considered safe for most adults However, people who are suffering from conditions such as epilepsy and adrenocortical insufficiency should comsult their physicians


Taurine can dosed safely up to 3000mg or 3 gin per day.

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