Fat Cutter




Beta alanine is a niem-cssential amino acid. it is also called beta amino acid which means it has a p bed the carbon rather than the & carbon

Benefits of beta alanine supplements

Carnosine is a dipeptide molecule, made up of the amino acids beta-alanine and bustidine. It is highly morntrated in muscle and brain tissues It buffers při in muscle cells, and acts as a neurotransmiter in the brain. Carnosine levels are limited by the amount of available falartine. Supplementation with fl-alanine has been shown to increase the concentration of carnosine in muscles, decrease fatigue in athletes and increase sotal miscular work done. B-alanine supplementation zan also increase exercise and cognitive performance.

Side Effects

No side effects have been reported with moderate doses of beta-alanme High doses can cause flushing and ungling Supplementation of beta alanine is preferred in tablet form rather than solution.


To improve athletic performance2 4-64 grams of beta-alanine daily is advised for up to 10 k

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