Fat Cutter




ECA stack is a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. The formula is typically a 1:10:10 or 1:10:13 tatio of ephedrine caffeine: aspirin. It is used in weight loss and as a stimulant. ECA stack was a popular drug in 1990s and early 2000s.

Ephedrine is a stimulant and is also uved a medication, Ir stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) through release of a compound called norepinephrine, which is used to get the body ready for action and activity. Thie makes it an important part of the fight-or-flight mechanism during tunes of high stress, Norepinephrine also helps to burn white fat by elevating the levels of cyclic adenoune monophosphate (CAMP)

Caffeine is also a stimulant and acts on central nervous system and cardiovascular system Aspirin is a pain reliever.

Aspirin inhibits prostaglandin production outside of the cells, and when combined with caffeine, increases the thermogenic effects and prevents the decrease in elevated CAMP levels, thereby increasing the metabolism (Above mentioned is a supposed mechanism of the ECA stack)

An ECA stack is consumed to stimulate fat loss.

Side Effects

The risks of ephedrine inchides heart anack, strokes, nausea, disturbed sleep pattans, heavy penpiration (which can lead to dehydration) and headache. Risks are incressed during periods of physical exertion, heat and stress, eg, working out. It can also lead to psychiatric symptoms, autonomic symptoms, upper gastrointestinal symptoms, and heart palpitations.

Many countries have banood the use of ephedra containing supplemems

There have been many attempts to replace ephedra with other boumical products such as bitter orange, since the ban of ephedra. In some Ephedra hee supplements caffeine content is increased. While Ephedra is legal in some countries, it would be mach safer to substitute aspirin with Omega 3 fatty acids. Prolonged use of aspi

can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding. However, if EC A stacks appeals to you, cycle them by taking 2 weeks break after every 8 weeks.

Recommended dosage

for the ECA stack is 20-25mg of ephedrine, 200mg of caffeine and 1 ing of aspirin 2

3 times a day

(It is recommended to take up to 2 grams of omega 3, if you decide to substitute aspirin with in

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